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Healthy Food On A Tight Budget

Don't let the prices stop you!

One of the easiest traps to fall into when money is tight is eating unhealthy foods. It seems that healthy foods are expensive. Yes, you can skip the ramen noodle section of your grocery store while still feeding your family well.

Healthy Food On A Tight Budget

What is the trick? Planning!

Whether you work at home or out and about, your life can often be so hectic that it seems easier to order pizza or cook takeout food. However, these foods are usually less healthy for you than foods you cook yourself.

Prepare a cooking list

Start by choosing the recipes you want to make. Deciding on what to serve in advance can prevent you from deciding on something less healthy but easier to make just because you don't want to spend the time cooking healthy food.

Prepare the cooking in advance

If time is a big issue, consider recipes that you can prepare partially or completely ahead of time. Some people cook for an entire week in one day and store meals in the refrigerator or freezer. Even if you can't prepare the entire meal in advance, consider chopping vegetables ahead of time.

Create a shopping list

Planning your meals also helps with grocery shopping. Use your plans to create your own shopping list. You may even want to plan your meals at the same time you plan your shopping list by taking a look at what's special at any of the grocery stores you plan to shop at. Buying special items can save you a great deal of money.

Don't forget your goal!

To save as much as possible, limit yourself to what's on that list. No impulse purchases! It takes self-discipline, but reducing triggers can be of great help. So don't forget the main goal is to buy clean food at the best price.

Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables

They may seem pricey, but fruits and vegetables that are available in season are affordable and can be an excellent alternative to sugary or salty snacks. Their frozen counterparts are also very good for you and can be quite affordable.

Meat in time of discounts

If you have room in the freezer, buy meat when it's at its best discounts. You'll want to keep track of the good price for each type of meat. You will also need to be aware of when to label products. I know that Albertson locals, for example, generally limit ground beef from the butcher's department to $1/pound somewhere around 9am each evening.

Food waste is the money you throw away

Make the most of your leftovers. It is very easy to forget and you have to clean the refrigerator after several days. Food waste is the money you throw away. Drag those leftovers for lunch!

cook healthy

Finally, pay attention to how you cook your food. You may not need as much oil as you used to, for example. Stir-frying can be a great way to mix meat and vegetables into a delicious sauce. Strain the fat when cooking ground beef to make it healthier. Get rid of the extra fat from other meats to make it a little better for you. And don't forget to eat your vegetables! Try mixing it with some spices instead of butter...there are great ways to bring out the flavors of the vegetables.

: Healthy Food On A Tight Budget

  1. don't let the prices stop you
  2. Prepare a cooking list
  3. Prepare the cooking in advance
  4. Create a shopping list
  5. Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables
  6. Meat in time of discounts
  7. Food waste is the money you throw away

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